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INDEX (of each Field  Locality and Structure reference)

INDEX (of each Field Locality and Structure reference)


(Roman Numeral = Region Locality; Number = Field Trip number in that Region; S = Structure;

Boldface = One of the Field Trip Localities)


Aa (IV-03)

Aa Lava (III-10) (V-03)

Acrocanthosaurus (I-01)

Agathia Peak (El Capitan) (III-09)

Alcove (IV-15)

Ammonites (I-04)

Amphibolite (II-03)

Amsden Fm. (Miss - Penn) (IV-08)

Anasazi (IV-15)

Ancient Pueblo People (IV-15)

Andesitic Lava (IV-13) (V-01) (V-04)

Angle of Repose (III-03)

Angular Unconformity (III-05) (III-06) (IV-14)

Anticlines (IV-02)

Appekunny Fm (PreCambrian) (IV-05)

Arches N.P. (III-01)

Altyn Fm (PreCambrian) (IV-05)

Arete (IV-02) (V-02) (IV-05) (S)

Artists Point Overlook (IV-17)

Athabasca Glacier (Jasper NP) (IV-02)

Ash (III-03) (V-04) (I-13)



Badlands N.P. (IV-01)

Badlands Topography (IV-01)

Balanced Rock View (IV-17)

Banff Fm (Mississippian) (IV-02)

Banff NP (IV-02)

Barringer Crater (III-07)

Basalt (IV-03)

Basaltic Lava (IV-12) (V-04)

Basin, The (I-13)

Basin and Range Province (III-17) (I-13)

Bass Limestone (PreCambrian) (III-05) (III-06)

Batholith (I-10) (I-12) (IV-11) (V-05)

Beaver Creek, MT Folding (IV-09)

Belt Supergroup (IV-05)

Bennett Peak (III-09)

Bentonite (III-08)

Big Bend National Park (I-13)

Black Canyon of the Gunnison N.P. (IV-14)

Blackleaf Shale (Cretaceous) (IV-10)

Block Faulting (I-13)

Bonito Flow (III-10)

Boquillas Basin (I-13)

Boquillas Canyon (I-13)

Boudinage (II-04)

Boulder (V-6)

Boulder Narrows (III-05)

Bow Lake and Glacier (Banff) (IV-02)

Brachiopods (I-04)

Braided Glacier Streams (IV-02) (V-02) (S)

Breccia (V-09)

Breccia (Collapse) (S)

Bright Angel Shale (Camb) (III-05) (III-06)

Brule Fm. (Tertiary – Oligocene) (IV-01)

Brunswick Fm. (Triass) (II-07) .(II-08)

Bryce Canyon (III-02)

Burro Canyon Fm. (IV-17)

Butte (IV-01) (IV-04) (III-15) (III-16)



Cabin Creek Fault Scarp (IV-06)

Caldera (IV-12) (IV-13) (V-01) (V-03)

Cambrian (I-06)

Canadian Rockies (IV-02)

Candlestick Tower (III-16)

Canyon de Chelly (III-14)

Canyon Formation (III-05)

Canyonlands N.P. (III-16)

Cap Mountain Mbr of Riley Fm (I-06)

Cap Rock (II-05)

Capitol Reef N.P.(III-13)

Capitan Reef (III-04)

Capulin Volcano (III-03)

Carbonaceous Shale (IV-15)

Carlsbad Caverns (III-04)

Carmel Fm (IV-17)

Casa Grande Peak (I-13)

Cascade Mountain (Banff (IV-02))

Cascade Mountains (V-04)

Castle Geyser (IV-13)

Castle Mt. (Banff) (IV-02)

Castle Mt. Thrust (IV-02)

Castle Reef Dolomite (Miss) (IV-10)

Catalina Fault (III-17)

Catalina Gneiss (III-17)

Cathedral Fm. (Cambrian) (IV-02)

Cave Thrust (IV-08)

Cedar Mesa Sandstone (III-16)

Cedar Park Limestone Member of Walnut Fm-Cretaceous) (I-11)

Chadron Fm.(Tertiary – Eocene) (IV-01)

Chalone Fault (V-09)

Channel-Fill (S)

Chemical Weathering (III-02) (V-11)

Chief Mt. Klippe (IV-05)

Chinle Fm. (Triassic) (III-08) (III-13) (III-14) (III-15) (IV-17) (III-16)

Chisos Basin (I-13)

Chisos Mountains (I-13)

Chromatic Pool (IV-13)

Cinder Cone (III-03) (III-10) (IV-03) (V-01)

Cinders (III-03)

Cirque (IV-05) (V-02) (S)

Claron Fm (Eocene) (III-02)

Clastic Dike (IV-01)

Cliff Dwelling (Native American) (III-14) (IV-15)

Cliff House Sandstone (IV-15)

Cliff Palace (IV-15)

Coal Seam (IV-15)

Coconino Sandstone (Permian) (III-05) (III-06)

Coke Ovens Overlook (IV-17)

Colorado National Monument (IV-17)

Cold Shivers Point Overlook (IV-17)

Columbia Icefield  (Jasper) (IV-02)

Columnar Basalts (III-05) (V-7)

Columnar Jointing (III-05) (IV-04) (IV-13) (V-7)

Columns (Pillars) (I-08) (III-02) (III-14) (III-15)

Concretions (S)

Contact Metamorphism (II-06)

Contacts - Formational (S)

Continental Divide (Banff) (IV-02)

Convergent Plate Boundary (V-04)

Cordova Limestone (Cret) (I-11)

Crater (III-03) (V-03) (III-16)

Crater Lake (V-01) (V-04)

Craters of the Moon National Park (IV-03)

Cretaceous (I-01) (I-09) (V-6) (I-13)

Crinoids (I-04)

Cross-bedding (I-06) (I-11) (II-06) (III-05) (III-12) (III-14) (III-15) (IV-17) (III-16)

Crystal Shapes (I-03)

Crystal Size (I-03) (II-06) (V-05)

Cutler Group or Fm. (III-16)

Cyclic Sedimentation (II-01)

Cyclothem (II-01)



Dacite (V-8)

Dakota Sandstone (IV-17)

de Chelly Sandstone (III-14) (III-15)

Dead Horse Point State Park, UT (III-16)

Decompression Melting (II-01)

Defiance Plateau (III-14)

Del Carmen Limestone (Cretaceous) (I-13)

Denali N.P. (V-02)

Desert Environment (III-12)

Desert Varnish (III-13) (III-14) (IV-15)

Detachment Fault (III-17)

Devils Postpile (V-7)

Devils Tower (IV-04)

Diabase (IV-05)

Diabase Dike (IV-07)

Diabase Sill (II-01) (II-06

Differential Erosion & Weathering (II-05) (III-01) (III-13) (I-13)

Dike (I-07) (II-03) (S) (V-11)

Dike (Clastic) (IV-01)

Dike (Volcanic) (III-09) (IV-07) (IV-11)

Dinosaurs (I-04)

Dinosaur footprints (I-01)

Dinosaur trackway measurement (I-01)

Dinosaur Valley S.P., TX (I-01)

Disconformity (III-05) (III-06) (IV-17)

Dox Fm. (PreCambrian) (III-05) (III-06)

Draperies (III-04)

Ductile Flow (I-07) (II-03)

Dune Cross-Bedding (III-05) (III-14) (III-15)

Dune Migration (IV-16)

Dunes (III-11) (III-12) (III-14) (III-15) (IV-16)



El Capitan (Agathia Peak) (III-09)

Eldon Fm (Cambrian) (IV-02)

Elephant Canyon Fm. (III-16)

Ellenburger LS (Ordovician)(I-05) (I-08)

Ellis Group (Jurassic) (IV-08)

Emperor Seamounts (V-03)

Enchanted Rock, TX (I-12)

Endless Chain Ridge (Jasper NP) (IV-02)

Entrada Fm. (Jurassic) (III-01) (IV-17)

Epicenter (IV-06)

Erratic (Glacial) (V-5)

Erosion (High Rates) (IV-01)

Erosion (III-02)

Erosion Control (II-02)

Escarpment (II-05)

Esker (S)

Eurypterid (I-04)

Evaporite (III-11)

Evaporite (III-01)

Exfoliation Dome (I-10 (V-05) (I-12)



Fallen Rock Overlook (IV-17)

Fanglomerate (II-07)

Farallon Plate (V-08) (V-09) (V-11)

Fault Block Mts. (III-05) (V-5)

Fault Breccia (I-06)

Fault - Escarpment/Planes (S)

Fault - Normal (S)

Fault Plane (II-07)

Fault - Reverse/Thrust (S)

Fault Scarp (IV-06)

Ferns (I-04)

Fins (III-01)

Fish (I-04)

Fissure (IV-03)

Fissure Eruption (III-10)

Flow Cave (I-08)

Flow Fold (II-03)

Flowstone (I-08) (III-04) 

Folds (I-07) (II-04) (IV-08) (IV-09)

Folds - Anticlines, Synclines, Overturned (S)

Foliation (I-07) (II-03) (II-04) (IV-14)

Fordham Gneiss (II-04)

Fossils - Invertebrates (S)

Fossils - Trace Fossils (S)

Fossils (I-04)

Fossils - Invertebrates 

Fossils of HMNS Student Worksheet (I-04)

Fossils (Crinoids) (I-09)

French Thrust (IV-10)

Frost Wedging (III-01) (III-02) (IV-15)

Fruita Canyon Overlook (IV-17)

Fumarole (IV-13)



Garden Wall Arete (IV-05)

Geyser (IV-13)

Giant Rock, CA (V-6)

Glacial Features (IV-07)

Glacial Flour (IV-02)

Glacial Lake Color (IV-02)

Glacial Striations (II-03) (II-04) (IV-02) (V-5) (V-7)

Glacier National Park (IV-05)

Glauconite (I-06)

Glen Canyon Dam (III-05)

Glen Rose Fm.(Cretaceous)(I-01)

Gneiss (I-07) (II-03) (III-17) (V-11) 

Graben (III-01)

Grand Canyon by Rafting (III-05)

Grand Canyon from the South Rim (III-06)

Grand Canyon Series (PreCambrian) (III-05) (III-06)

Grand Geyser (IV-13)

Grand Tetons National Park (IV-07)

Grand View Overlook (IV-17)

Grand View Point Overlook (III-16)

Granite (I-07) (III-17) (V-6) (V-11)

Granite Batholith (I-10)

Granite Dikes (I-07) (II-04)

Granite dome (I-12)

Granite Pegmatites (IV-14)

Granite Pluton (Mesozoic) (V-05)

Granton Sill (II-01)

Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve (IV-16)

Great Unconformity (III-05)

Green River Overlook (III-16)

Grinnell Fm (PreCambrian) (IV-05)

Grog Fm. (Camb) (IV-02)

Gros Ventre Slide (IV-07)

Growth Faults, Houston, TX (I-02)

Guadalupe Mts.(III-04)

Gullies (IV-01)

Gutzon Borglum (IV-11)

Gypsum (III-11)



Hakatai Fm (PreCambrian) (III-05) (III-06)

Hanging Valleys (IV-02) (IV-05) (V-02) (V-05)

Harbor Hill Moraine (II-02)

Harney Peak Granite (IV-11)

Hawaii (V-03)

Hawaii Volcanos NP (V-03)

Hawaiian Island Chain (V-03)

Hebgen Lake Earthquake (IV-06)

Henry’s Fork Caldera (IV-12)

Hermit Shale (Perm) (III-05) (III-06)

Highland View Overlook(IV-17)

HMNS Hall of Minerals (I-03)

HMNS Hall of Paleontology (I-04)

Homer Wilson Ranch (I-13)

Honaker Trail Formation (Penn.) (III-1)

Honeycomb Weathering (III-13)

Honeycut Bend, TX (I-05)

Honeycut Fm. (Ordovician) (I-05)

HooDoos (III-02)

Hoover Point, TX (I-06)

Horn (V-02)

Hornfels (II-06)

Hot Spot (IV-03) (V-03)

Hot Springs (IV-13)

Houston Faults (1-02)

Huckleberry Ridge Tuff (IV-12)

Hydrolysis (V-11)



Ichthyosaur (I-04)

Inclined Beds (I-09) (III-13)

Independence Monument View (IV-17)

Inks Lake, TX (I-07)

Integratron, The (V-6)

Intertidal Environment (I-05)

Intraclasts (I-05)

Inwood Marble (II-04)

Island in the Sky District (III-16)

Ives Breccia (Mississippian) (I-05)


Jasper N.P.(IV-02)

Jefferson River Canyon (IV-08)

Johnston Canyon (Banff) (IV-02)

Johnston Ridge Visitor Center (V-04)

Jointing (III-01) (III-02) (III-12) (V-05) (V-6) (III-16) (IV-17) (V-11)

Joshua Tree N.P. (V-11)

Juan de Fuca Plate (V-01)

Jurassic (III-01) (III-12)


Kaibab Limestone (Permian) (III-05) (III-06) (III-07)

Kaui (V-03)

Kayenta Fm. (III-13) (IV-17) (III-16)

Keys Valley Marl Member (Walnut Fm-Cretaceous) (I-11)

Kilauea East Rift Zone (V-03)

Kintla Fm (PreCambrian) (IV-05)

Kivas (IV-15)



Laccolith (IV-04)

Lahar (V-04)

LaHood Conglomerate (PreCambrian) (IV-08)

Lake Louise (Banff) (IV-02)

Lamprophyre (III-09)

Landslide (IV-06)

Laramide Orogeny (III-01) (IV-02) (IV-05) (IV-07) (IV-08) (IV-09) (IV-11) (III-14) (III-15) (III-16) (III-17) (I-13)

Lateral Moraine (IV-02)

Lateral Volcanic Blast (V-04)

Lava (IV-12) (I-13)

Lava Bomb (III-03)

Lava Creek Tuff (IV-12)

Lava Dome (V-04)

Lava Falls Rapid (III-05)

Lava Flows (V-03) (V-7)

Lava Tubes (Tunnels) (III-10)

Lava Tunnel (Tube) (IV-03)

Lava Vent (V-03)

Lewis Overthrust (IV-05)

Lion Mountain Mbr of Riley Fm (I-06)

Llano Uplift (I-07)

Lockatong F.m (Tr) (II-01)

Lockport Dolomite (Silurian) (II-05)

Long Island Geology (II-02)

Longhorn Cavern, TX (I-09)

Lower Paleozoic Metamorphics (II-03) (II-04)


Madison River Canyon Landslide (IV-06)

Magmatic Differentiation (II-06)

Mammals (Rise) (IV-01)

Mammoth Hot Springs (IV-13)

Mancos Shale (Cretaceous) (III-09) (IV-15) (IV-17)

Manhattan Prong Bedrock (II-03)

Manhattan Schist (II-04)

Marble Falls LS (Pennsylvanian)(I-05) (I-09)

Mass Wasting (III-02) (IV-06)

Maui (V-03)

Mauna Kea (V-03)

Mauna Loa (V-03)

MMC (see Metamorphic Core Complex) (III-17)

Meagher LS (Cambrian) (IV-08)

Meanders - Streams (S) (III-16)

Mechanical Weathering (III-01)

Medano Creek (IV-16)

Menefee Formation (IV-15)

Menan Butte (IV-12)

Mese de Anguila (I-13)

Mesa Falls Caldera (IV-12)

Mesa Falls Eruption (IV-12)

Mesa Verde National Park (IV-15)

Metamorphic Core Complex (MCC) (III-17)

Metamorphic Rock (I-07)

Metamorphics, Lower Paleozoic (II-03)(II-04)

Meteor Crater (III-07)

Meteor Impact Crater (III-07) (III-16)

Midway Islands (V-03)

Migmatite (II-03)

Mineral crystals (I-03)

Mineral (definition) (I-03)

Minerals of HMNS Student Worksheet (I-03)

Mineral Precipitation (I-03)

Minette Fm, (PreCamb) (IV-02)

Mission Canyon LS (Mississippian) (IV-08))

Moab Fault (III-1)

Moenkopi Fm. (III-07) (Triassic) (III-13) (III-15) (III-16)

Molokai (V-03)

Monocline (III-13) (IV-17)

Montana Rockies: Folding at Beaver Creek (IV-09)

Montana Rockies: French Thrust (IV-10)

Montana Rockies: The Cave Thrust (IV-08)

Montauk Point (II-02)

Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park (III-15)

Monzogranite (V-11)

Morgan Creek Mbr of Wilberns Fm (I-06)

Moraine (IV-05)

Moraines - Lateral / Terminal (S)

Moraine Lake (Banff) (IV-02)

Morants Curve (Banff) (IV-02)

Morrison Fm (Jurassic) (IV-08) (IV-17)

Morro Rock (V-08)

Morro-Islay Volcanic Chain (V-08)

Mt. Hood (V-04)

Mt. Mazama (V-01)

Mt. McKinley N.P. (V-02)

Mt. Rainer (V-04)

Mt. Robson (Jasper) (IV-02)

Mt. Rushmore (IV-11)

Mt. St. Helens (V-04)

Muav Limestone (Camb) (III-05) (III-06)

Mud Volcano (IV-13)

Mudcracks (I-05) (IV-05) (S)

Mummy rock formation (IV-17)

Mylonite (III-17)


Navajo Fm. (Jurassic) (III-01) (III-12) (III-13) (IV-17) (III-16)

Navajo Volcanic Field (III-09)

Needles (III-02)

Neenach Volcano (V-09)

New York City Bedrock (II-04)

Niagara Escarpment (II-05)

Niagara Falls (II-05)

Nine Sisters volcanics (V-08)

Non-Conformity (II-07) (III-05) (III-06) (IV-07) (IV-14) (IV-17)

Non-marine environment (III-01) (III-02) (III-08) (III-12) (IV-01)

Normal Faults (I-02) (I-06) (II-04) (II-07) (III-1) (IV-06) (IV-07)

Nugent Mountain (I-13)


Oahu (V-03)

Obsidian (IV-13)

Obsidian Cliffs (IV-13)

Offshore Bar (I-11)

Old Faithful (IV-13)

Olivine Rotten Zone (II-06)

Oolites (I-11)

Ordovician & younger Paleozoic (I-05)

Organ Rock Fm. (III-14) (III-15) (III-16)

Original Horizontality (III-02) (III-06)

Ouachita Orogeny (I-13)

Outwash Plain (II-02)

Overthrusting (IV-05)

Overturned Folds (IV-08) (IV-09)

Oxidation (III-02)


Pacific Plate (III-17) (V-03) (V-08) (V-09)

Pahoehoe (III-10) (IV-03) (V-03)

Painted Wall (IV-14)

Paleosol (IV-01)

Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks (III-05)

Palisades Sill (II-06)

Pallister Fm (Devonian) (IV-02)

Panther Junction (I-13)

Panther Peak (I-13)

Pedernales Falls (I-09)

Pegmatite Dikes (I-07) (II-03) (IV-14)

Pennsylvanian (I-09)

Permian (III-14)

Persimmon Gap (I-13)

Petrified Forest (III-08)

Peyto Lake (Banff) (IV-02)

Phaneritic Texture (I-10) (V-05)

Phanerozoic Sediments (IV-02)

Phenocryst (V-8)

Phonolite (IV-04)

Phosphoria Fm (Permian) (IV-08)

Physical Weathering (III-02)

Pierre Shale (Cretaceous) (IV-01)

Pillars (Columns) (I-08) (III-02) (III-14) (III-15)

Pillow Lava (II-08) (IV-05)

Pinnacle (III-02) (IV-01) (III-14) (III-16) (V-09)

Pinnacles Fault (V-09)

Pinnacles N.P. (V-09)

Pinto Gneiss (V-11) (III-17)

Playa Lake (III-11)

Pleistocene Glaciation (V-02)

Pleistocene (II-02)

Pluton (IV-11) (V-05)

Point Lookout Sandstone (IV-15)

Porosity - Sediment (S)

Porphyritic Texture (V-05) (V-08) 

Potholes (I-09) (II-04)

PreCambrian (II-07)

PreCambrian Granite  (IV-11) (IV-14)

PreCambrian Metamorphics (III-05) (IV-14) (IV-17)

PreCambrian Sedimentary Rocks (IV-05)

Pressure Ridges (IV-03) 

Pummel Peak (I-13)

Purcell Basalt (PreCambrian) (IV-05)

PuuOo (V-03)

Pyroclastics (V-09)

Pyroclastic Flows (V-04)


Quadrant Fm (Pennsylvanian) (IV-08)



Ramapo Border Fault (II-07)

Raton-Clayton Volcanic Field (III-03)

Ravine (IV-01)

Red Canyon Overlook (IV-17)

Redlands Fault (IV-17)

Redwall Limestone (Mississippian) (III-05) (III-06)

Regression (I-11) (IV-15)

Rhyolite Lava (III-17) (IV-12) (IV-13) (V-09) (I-13)

Rhyolite Tuff  (IV-12)

Riley Fm (I-06)

Rincon Mountain District (III-17)

Rio Grande Overlook (I-13)

Ripple Marks (IV-05) (S) (III-13)

River Channel (II-06)

Rochester Shale (Silurian) (II-05)

Rock Isle Lake (Banff) (IV-02)

Rockford Ash (IV-01)

Ronkonkoma Moraine (II-02)

Rudistid Clam (Cretaceous) (I-11)

Rundle Fm (Mississippian) (IV-02)



Saguaro Cactus (III-17)

Saguaro National Park (III-17)

Salt Cast (IV-05)

Salt Dome (III-16)

Salt-Tectonics (III-01)

Saltation (IV-16)

San Andreas Fault (V-08) (V-09) (V-11)

San Francisco Volcanic Field (III-10)

Sand Dunes (IV-16)

Santa Elena Canyon (I-13)

Santa Elena Limestone (I-13)

Sangre de Cristo Mts (IV-16)

Sauropod footprint (I-01)

Sauroposeidon (I-01)

Schist (II-03)

Sea Stacks and Arches (S)

Seamount (V-03)

Seiche (IV-06)

Selenite Gypsum (III-11)

Shafer Canyon Overlook (III-16)

Shallow marine environment (I-01) (I-05) (I-06) (I-09) (I-11)

Sharps Fm (Tertiary – Oligocene) (IV-01)

Sheeting (I-10) (IV-11) (V-05) (V-08)

Shephard Fm. (PreCambrian) (IV-05)

Shield Volcano (V-03)

Shunarump Conglomerate (III-14) (III-15)

Shinumo Quartzite (PreCambrian) (III-05) (III-06)

Shiprock (III-09)

Shoreface (I-11)

Sierra del Carmen (I-13)

Sierra Nevada Batholith (V-05)

Silica Content (IV-13) (V-04)

Silica replacement (III-08)

Silurian (II-05)

Sill (II-01) (II-06) (IV-05) (IV-08)

Siyeh (Helena) Fm. (PreCambrian) (IV-05)

Slickensides (II-07) (S)

Smithwick Sandstone (Pennsylvanian) (I-10)

Snake River Volcanics (IV-12)

Snake River Plain (IV-12)

Sole Markings (I-10) (S)

Sonoran Desert (III-17)

Spatter Cone (IV-03

Speleothems (III-04)

Spheroidal Weathering (V-11)

Spider Rock (III-14)

Spires (III-01) (III-02) (IV-01) (IV-14) (III-14) (III-15)

Spruce Tree House (IV-15)

Stalactites (I-08) (III-04)

Stalagmite (I-08) (III-04)

Strata - Inclined to Vertical (S)

Stratified Drift (II-02)

Stratovolcano (V-01) (V-04)

Stephen Fm. (Cambrian) (IV-02)

Striations (II-03) (IV-02) (S)

Striations (Glacial) (S) (V-5) (V-7)

Stribling Fm. (Devonian) (I-05)

Stock (IV-04)

Stockton Fm (Triassic) (II-06)

Stromatolites (I-05) (IV-05) (S)

Stutfield Glacier (Jasper) (IV-02)

Sulfuric Acid Cave (III-04)

Subduction Zone (V-04)

Summerville Fm. (IV-17)

Sunset Crater (III-10)

Sunshine Meadows (Banff) (IV-02)

Supai Fm (Penn-Perm) (III-05) (III-06)

Supereruption (IV-12)

Supratidal Environment (I-05)

Sycamore Conglomerate (Lower Cretaceous) (I-09)

Synclines (IV-02)



Tables (IV-01)

Taconian Orogeny (II-03) (II-04)

Tafoni (III-13)

Talus (V-09)

Talus Cone (IV-02)

Talus Slope (III-02) (V-7)

Tapeats Sandstone (Cambrian) (III-05) (III-06)

Temple Butte Limestone (Devonian) (III-05) (III-06)

Tephra (III-10)

Terminal Moraine (II-02) (IV-02)

Tertiary (III-09) (V-08) (V-09) (I-13)

Tertiary (Holocene) (IV-03)

Tertiary and Quaternary (IV-13)

Tertiary-Quaternary (III-10)

Teton Fault (IV-07)

Theropod dinosaurs (I-01)

Theropod foorprint (I-01)

Three Peaks of Chetamon (Jasper) (IV-02)

Thrust Faulting (IV-08) (IV-10) (IV-02)

Tidal Flat Breccia (I-05)

Tidal Inlet (I-06)

Tidal Variation (S)

Till (II-02) (S29)

Tilted Strata (IV-08)

Toroweap Fm.(Permian) (III-05) (III-06) (III-07)

Towers (III-02) (III-14) (III-15)

Town Mountain Granite (I-07)

Trackways (I-04) (IV-15)

Transverse Ranges (V-11)

Travertine (IV-13)

Tree Mold (IV-03)

Trigonia sp. clam (Cret) (I-11)

Trilobites (I-06)

Town Mountain Granite, TX (I-10)

Transgression (IV-15)

Triassic (II-01) (II-06) (II-07) (III-08)

Triassic Basin (II-07)

Triassic Redbeds (II-08)

Tucson Mountain District (III-17)

Trilobites (I-04)

Tuff (IV-12) (IV-13) (I-13)

Tuff Canyon (I-13)

Tularosa Basin (III-11)

Turritella sp. snail (Cretaceous) (I-11)


U-shaped Valley(IV-02) (V-02) (S)

Uncompahgre Uplift (Plateau) (IV-17)

Unconformity (II-07) (III-05) (III-06) (IV-07) (S) (IV-14) (III-14) (III-15) (IV-17)

Unconformity (Angular) (I-09) (IV-14)

Upheaval Dome (III-16)

Upper Ute Canyon Overlook (IV-17)


Valley Springs Gneiss (I-07)

Vesicles (II-08)

Vishnu Schist (PreCamb) (III-05) (III-06)

Volcanic Ash (III-08) (IV-01) (I-13) (S)

Volcanic Bomb (IV-03)

Volcanic Neck (III-09)

Volcanic Plug (Neck) (V-8)

Volcanics (Tertiary) (I-13)

Volcanics (Tertiary = Pleistocene) (III-03)

Vulcan’s Anvil (III-05)

Vulcan’s Throne (III-05)


Walnut Fm (Cretaceous) (I-11)

Wanakah Fm (IV-17)

Wasatch Fm (Eocene) (III-02)

Watchung Basalt (II-08)

Weathering (III-02) (III-13)

Welge SS Member of Wilberns Fm (I-06)

White Rim Sandstone (III-16)

White Sands N.P. (III-11)

Whitestone Lentil Member of (Walnut Fm-Cretaceous) (I-11)

Whitestone Quarry, TX (I-11)

Wilberns Fm. (I-06)

Window, The (I-13)

Wingate SS (III-13) (IV-17) (III-16)

Wisconsin Glaciation (II-05) (V-02)

Wizard Island (V-01)

Wolsey Shale (Cambrian) (IV-08)


Xenolith (II-01)


Yellowstone Falls (IV-13)

Yellowstone Hot Spot (IV-12) (IV-13)

Yellowstone NP (IV-13)

Yosemite NP (V-05)



Zion N.P. (III-12)

Zoroaster Granite (PreCambrian) (III-05) (III-06

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